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Late Spring To-Do List
Monday, July 04, 2005 Independence Day
FREE! Free from the fourth chapter, which is now, in all its not-nearly-good-enough-ness, on its way to my advisor. (I sent one copy as an email attachment just now, and I have a hard copy sealed up to drop in the mail tomorrow.)
I can't believe I've been sweating over this for so long, and it's barely 40 pages (it does still lack a proper conclusion, but that isn't exactly going to push the page count up to the length of my two middle chapters, which are more like 60 or 65pp.). I know--page count isn't everything, but given that I'm not sure this thing has much CONTENT going for it either . . . I'd just feel better if it seemed more substantive in any one of several ways. But--at least I can stop thinking about it for a week or two until I hear back from FA. Acknowledgements: Caffeine, thank you. Couldn't have done it without your help. And thanks also go to the sofa of destiny, to my new, functional computer, and, lately, to Morphine. The band, that is--not the drug (I don't think Mary Tyrone's piano playing was noticeably improved when she was hitting the smack, and I'm pretty sure the same would be true for writing). I've had three of their albums on repeat for a few days now--Yes, Cure for Pain, and The Night--and they've proven a perfect soundtrack to write to. Dark, moody, and jazzy. Much like your humble blogger herself. (And of course, thanks also to everyone who's listened to my bitching over the last couple of months. Unfortunately for you, there's more where that came from.) And now ~~ off to make a martini! 8 Comments:
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