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Late Spring To-Do List
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 Just call me Epicoene
I'm speechless. Literally.
My throat was feeling a bit weak yesterday, as a result of my cold, but I spoke pretty much as usual in my first two classes. My freshmen, however, were especially lifeless and recalcitrant, so I had to talk talk talk them through our text, hector them, and exhort them--and by the end of the class period my voice was hoarse. By the time I got on the train a half hour later, I could only croak. And as of this morning, I can't get any resonance from my throat at all. I'm sure it won't last more than a day or two, but I'm wondering: would this justify my cancelling my classes tomorrow? There's nothing pressing happening in any of them, and although I could probably have a productive session with my morning survey by typing up instructions for group work and having the groups lead discussion, I'm less confident about my afternoon survey's ability to do the same--and I have NO faith in my freshmen. They're the ones who got me into this mess! Please please please can I cancel my classes? 7 Comments:
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